Tuesday, January 18, 2011


So, as kids and through out the rest of our life as well we are always told to forgive, but never forget. However, you are never told why to forgive other than the fact that it's the "right" thing to do. However, due to recent events my eyes have been opened. You're not forgiving them to make things easier for them it's how it will it benefit you that is important. Because for you to get past the things you're holding against your self you have to let go of the grudges you hold. It's not always easy, and it's certainly not something you can normally do immediately. Regardless of when you let go of it and forgive them, until you do that you yourself won't fully be able to get past the events that occurred and move on thus being a better and certainly happier person. This proves to be true for us in many areas one such area that I have recently realized is God. To get right with him you have to be able to first, get past your own actions and in order to do that you have forgive those who have done you wrong. If you are in this position I have no doubt that this short blog will have little to no affect on your thoughts at the minute, but you will eventually come to the realization that it is the closure you have been looking for. It will in a matter of moments have an overwhelming effect on you. I know it certainly did on me. It will change the way you see situations as well as the way you wish you had handled them and how you wish others would. It will help you so very much to be the bigger, better person. I know it certainly did for me!

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