Love...Such a small yet o-so very powerful word. It's the only feeling that no matter how you much you may want to you have no control on as to how it will come or go. This is in my opinion one of the primary reason so many people are so closed minded about "loving" someone. Love knows no boundaries nor does it know age. Love is, well trues love anyways is blind, but it is always followed with a helping hand one at the start and more often than not many more to follow. Many will say they know who this is about, but in all actuality its about several different people. I wont mention names you can be left to ponder. But love is so very hard to keep a tab on, the amount can fluctuate in a matter of seconds, and no matter the level of animosity and/or hatred you may have towards someone. You cant just stop loving them. While hard to admit and those words come with such a bitter taste admitting the truth and the fruits of knowing it are o-so very sweet. While all of this may be an eye opener I'll leave you with these words, and one of my favorite quotes of all time. While all of this is great and its everything and more than you could ever hope for and want you have to be open spiritually as well as open with your heart to those who care. Because unless you are willing to let some one get in close and help you, you're never going to be who or what you want to be.
In the words of the late Jimmi Hendrix:
"When the power of love, overcomes the love of power then and only then will we truly know peace."
-Jimmi Hendrix
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