Monday, February 7, 2011


Negativity is everywhere, yet at the same time so is positivity. Which one you choose to let affect you is all about your perspective. I finally realized this tonight. It is and will more thanlikely always be the most important realization I make. If you want to have a good day, want things to turn around, to get better, then you have to choose to see the good not then bad and not both. It's a very difficult task and its definitely harder for some than for others. But it is just as important for everyone to do. This I have come to the conclusion is the answer to my problem discussed in my previous writing (inadequacy) Sometimes you have to catch yourself and change what you are thinking of. If you find yourself being negative list your positives think about something you are looking forward to or something that will change your train of thought. Just get your mind off of what ever is bringing you down and think of something uplifting. I am aware that I am not being as articulate as usual but it is 1:14 and I haven't slept well lately well I'm calling it a night. God bless.

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