Sunday, February 6, 2011


Inadequacy... It's such a big daunting word, which in all simplicity means that one is not good enough. It is my biggest demon the one I struggle with 24 hours a day 7 days a week. One that when you don't deal with it will consume you in the entirety of who you are. Trust me, I would know. I feel that the reason this is so very hard to deal with is because you are the only one who can fix this not your friend not you family YOU and you alone can resolve this issue. It's a terrible thing to have to deal with, and if you're looking for my usual story of how I've dealt with it, well I hate to say it, but I've got nothing. This is to this very moment the demon I struggle with. The one that has me stuck at a brick wall and I am well I am at a total loss..... I'm in all truthfulness scared, and scared beyond reason I feel undeserving of what I have and I wake up every morning expecting that as it has always been before with my life that it will all fall apart that it will be gone, and that...Well, that my friend is my biggest fear.

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